Friday, June 19, 2009

One night can't ruin the week!

Well, I caved in lastnight... It was Ribfest here in town and my inlaws went and got ribs, fries and had dessert there. My plan was to just have a little bit of ribs...with salad and no dessert. When I got to my inlaws... there were no veggies or salad....lots of fries and ribs waiting. So, I grabbed some ribs (a few too many) and some fries. Not to bad as I had saved up most of my daily points for this and had some Flex points remaining as well as activity points. Then came dessert... last time we were at my inlaws.. they had this pie called Grasshopper Mint Pie...very yummy and I declined last time (good girl)... but this time I had some. not a bit slice, but one that would satisfy my craving. Then there were cookies sitting on the counter...oops... ate  2 of those... then came the guilt...knowing full well that eating them wasn't helping me to my goal at all... I had a moment of weakness. But, I know I had extra points...and for the next few days I am going to get more Activity points. 

I weigh in on Sundays but checking it this morning and was down 1. So I am ok with that at the moment. I decided to order a new scale... one that measure weight loss in 0.1 increments. Mine does it by 0.5 increments. And the new one measures body fat and body water as well! So, I am excited about getting that...could take up to 3 weeks as I ordered it with the points on my Visa. Funny how one can get excited about a bathroom scale!!

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